
I could have added everything I am about to write to my About page but quite honestly not everyone wants to know all this brain junk I’m about to spew.  If you are here, thanks.

#1. Blogging
I shared in my very first post on this blog that this is not my first attempt at this blogging gig.  This is actually my third.  The first two blogs didn’t work for me because I got caught up in “blogging” and forgot to write.  There’s a difference.  Blogging is looking for page views, followers, comments, and a web presence.  Do I come up as the first result when people search for God on their browser?!  Writing is just that.  Writing.  If no one reads a post, fine.  If a post gets a million views and shares, equally fine.  Writing isn’t about any stats – it’s about conveying a thought eloquently or in my case, clearly.  That said, if someone follows me, comments on my posts, or likes something I’ve written in hopes of getting a follow, comment or like back, write something I can connect to.  I don’t follow because I’m followed – I follow because you have something to say.

#2. Writing
My writing here is intended to share encouragement.  Nothing else.  You will not offend me if you disagree with me.  You won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t like what I say.  And my writing is MY understanding of faith and God.  I have a BA in Christian Studies from North Greenville College (now a University) but that does not make me a theological expert.  If anything it might make me a very dangerous weapon because I think I know (remember) just enough to be over confident.  I pray that as I post, people open their Bible and look at the context of the verses I use, or read the stories I reference.  I pray that you will pray as you read.  Let my post be a springboard for your own conversation with God.  He knows your heart.

And #3.  Faithfulness
I am a mom of four.  There are days when I get my morning coffee and then the wheels come off.  I may go weeks without posting – I try not to – but it doesn’t mean I’ve given up.  It just means I have four different birthday parties, twelve loads of laundry, three volunteer duties, a Bible study, a house to clean and a dog to bathe.  Somewhere in there I sleep and read a book on occasion and on a good week get at least five showers.  Sometimes there just isn’t time to write.  Sometimes there isn’t time for inspiration.  I will return.  Thank you for your faithfulness even when I can’t sit down.

Thank you for being a reader.  It seems to be a lost art and we writers really would love it if more people rediscovered imagination and reading.  May you be encouraged and inspired today!


1 Response to Philosophy

  1. Tammy says:

    You are an inspiration, Sarah! Thank you for coming back to writing. I look forward to hearing/reading your spews whenever you have the time to post! Hugs, TuTu

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